The genealogy of Jesus may seem unimportant and uninteresting, but I’m going to show you some exciting insight beyond what is normally said.  First, there are many prophecies concerning the bloodline and kingship of the Savior.  Here are some favorites.  Did you notice that the genealogies listed in Matthew and Luke are very different?  Why?  I’m going show you that not only are they different, but that the difference is key to unraveling a great mystery.

Jesus’ Genealogy

The image below lists the genealogy of Jesus as recorded by Luke and Matthew.  Note that after King David, they are completely different except for Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, and some common names.  Some have tried to explain this by suggesting that they didn’t list all the names.  However, the difference is too great to support that view, starting with Nathan, the son of David and brother of Solomon 1 Chron 3:5

Very important:  The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his Gen 49:10.  What a marvelous prophecy!  I got goosebumps when writing this!  That prophecy was uttered as a blessing by Jacob about 1859 BC, over 800 years before Judah’s first king (David). 

Key #1: The genealogy recorded by Matthew shows Jesus as rightful heir to the throne through Joseph — and you thought he was just an ordinary carpenter!  This is to fulfill the prophecy that the Messiah is to be a king Psalm 2:6.

Key #2:  The genealogy recorded by Luke must be that of Mary.  There really is no other explanation (unless you think Luke was wrong).  I’m not going to go into why Joseph’s name was listed in place of Mary’s.  That’s not the point.  The point is that Mary’s genealogy goes back to David which is needed to fulfill prophecy Jer 23:5.  This promise was not made to any king after David.

Conclusion: Joseph provided Jesus with the earthly right to be king by becoming his adopted father, and Mary provided the actual bloodline to King David.

But wait!  There’s more!  Have you heard about the curse?  You’ve got to read this…