Heresy!  I know that you’ve learned this stuff many times over in school, but you must read this fresh-refresher before my other articles on the subject or important points may be lost.

Separation of church and state is a wonderful thing.  History is full of despots using religion to oppress their subjects.  Fill in the blank:  The ____ Empire, and you’ll have an example.  We don’t want to go back to those days!  But there’s a new kid in town – atheism.  No, I’m not saying that atheism is new, but back when separation of church and state was being drafted into the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, atheism would have been considered along with other religions and not be given special privileges.  In fact, around that time, France imposed Atheism on its citizens,  creating a situation of oppression not unlike what they had before under an equally evil tyranny.

Then came the greatest prophet known to Atheism – their savior,  Charles Darwin.  Inspired on his trip to the Galapagos Islands aboard the HMS Beagle, he authored his most famous work in 1859, On the Origin of Species.  This was the pivotal moment where science became endowed by Atheism.  This is the moment where Atheism would start to claim science under its dominion. 

Why is this important?  All legitimate governments give generously to science (and rightfully so).  Science is at the root of progress.  Science seeks to find truth.  We can use truth to do things that benefit mankind (and unfortunately also to destroy).  Much of what we enjoy today is attributed to scientific achievements well-grounded in facts.  The theory of evolution is not one of them.  There have been no benefits from the theory of evolution except that as science has been used excessively to prove evolution, many discoveries have been made – all of which point to the contrary.  Honest, intelligent, knowledgeable scientists can and do see through this dogma and find facts buried within.  But all that doesn’t matter in the church of Atheism.  They cannot and will not give up on the notion that evolution is proven fact.  Evolution used to be called a theory, but more recently the indoctrinated have bestowed on it the status of fact even though there have been no discoveries to support that stance.

Note about the word evolution:  I’m not going to fall into the semantic trap that reasons that things change and evolution only means change (I agree so far)..  But, that’s not how the term is usually used, so I don’t use it that way either.  It’s as if they think that bait-and-switch game of getting you to acknowledge a positive, truthful use of the word, they can trick you into accepting the rest of its connotation.

There are changes among traits within a species that are handed down among descendants, largely due to breading (heredity), but also some mutations that also get handed down.  But these don’t equate to the vast changes from one distinct species or family to another.   An extreme example would be the supposed evolution from cold blooded to warm blooded (or visa versa), but there are innumerable other examples that are no less fantastical.  Let’s be straight here.  I’m using the word evolution in the way that it’s normally thrown out there.  The first paragraph of the wiki article I linked to says, “It is this process of evolution that has given rise to biodiversity at every level of biological organisation, including the levels of species, individual organisms and molecules.”

Back to why this is important…  Good governments (and others) have learned their lesson about letting religion rule.  The religion of Atheism is no exception.  But science on the other hand gets favoritism (again, rightfully so).  Now that Atheism has hijacked science, favoritism to science has become favoritism to Atheism – particularly in those branches of science that continually pound the pavement for proof of evolution (and thus Atheism).  What kind of favoritism?  How much money has governments given on behalf of proving Evolution?  Trillions of Dollars!!!  All public universities and schools are required to teach it.  Limitless resources are given as research grants to prove it.  It has even become a significant part of space programs, again with the stated objective to prove it. 

Where have all these trillions of dollars gone; what has been proven; and what have they accomplished for us?  Fortunately, I must say that they have resulted in quite the opposite of their stated objectives.  Great advances in science, some developed with the intent of proving evolution, have resulted in the disproving what was sought to be proven.  The best case of this is the vast new knowledge we’ve obtained within this past century, particularly with respect to genetic code and the astounding complexity of even the simplest of lifeforms.  I can only ponder how much more advanced we’d be if we solely focused on what is true and left the lie of evolution behind.  It’s holding us back.

All of that doesn’t matter to the church of Atheism.  As with many people of other religions, fact cannot sway belief.  Rather, they get ever more dogmatic.  Any belief to the contrary is Heresy!  They start by calling you ignorant.  Just try getting an advanced degree in science with that label.  Then those who don’t prescribe to the dogma of evolution are squashed by not having a teaching position and not getting funding for research.  Just as in history when heretics were executed, the church of Atheism applauds the career execution of scientific heretics.  In their own words, here is how they do it:

Asimov concluded that science orthodoxy defends itself well against endoheretics (by control of science education, grants and publication as examples) [wiki on Heresy]

Are you having a hard time with my take on Atheism being a religion with Darwin as their greatest prophet-savior who paved the way for them to take over science and win the special favor of governments?  Perhaps a picture of faithful worshipers will help you come to terms with 

the idea.  This is a picture of the unveiling of a Darwin in his birth town in 1897.  Atheists may not have the same customs of worship (such as prayer) as other religions, but that doesn’t make it cease to be a religion.  Consider that as you ponder how many of his idol-statues have been erected around the globe.  Here is another picture of a statue in the Galapagos Islands. 

Now I’ve offended Christians, right?  After all, don’t many Christians also believe in evolution?  Even the Pope said that evolution doesn’t contradict his theology.  My articles will show that there is no intelligent reason to believe in evolution (Christian or otherwise).  If not evolution, then what?  Could God’s Word be true?  Yes.  These articles and this site are devoted to proving God’s Word.  His Word is proof in Himself.  He doesn’t need me.  He is proven already.  My effort is to proclaim the Truth, hopefully saving some from this modern-day alchemy of confusion so that they too may enjoy the Truth of God’s Word.

Did Darwin say this on his deathbed?

I was a young man with uninformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them.

The believers say it isn’t so:

This one is in an article claiming to describe Darwin’s deathbed return to Christianity. His children denied that the author, Lady Hope, was anywhere near Darwin as he was dying, and the story is generally considered to be a fabrication. Source.

I don’t know if Darwin said that or not.  Regardless, it is an excellent depiction of the events that transpired and continues to this day.  Truth still prevails.