Proving God’s Word

A Search for Truth


“How can a Ph.D. honestly believe that the Bible is not a myth?”

That is a question I’ve been asked.  And it’s easy to answer!

Is there truth?  How can we know that God’s Word is truth?  Please travel with me and let’s see…

This site is a collection of some favorite proofs of God and His Word.  Perhaps just one might not be enough to persuade someone, but the goal is proof by preponderance of  evidence.

I include my bio so you may know that this is coming from someone who is successful in science with a career built on knowledge and application of objective truth.  That same mindset is applied here as well.

I really didn’t want to add my bio.  I hate talking about my achievements.  But I want people to know that real scientists do believe this stuff even though the enemy would have you to believe otherwise.  We’re constantly bombarded with statements like, “Only the ignorant and uninformed believe.”  As Paul finally succumbed to writing about his credentials (2 Cor 10-12), and so do I…


Dr. Christopher P. Hussell

Chris graduated with a PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Florida in 1995 under the supervision of Dr. Ramu V. Ramaswamy.  His graduate studies addressed active, passive, and nonlinear waveguide devices.  Continuing that theme, he was employed by Uniphase Telecommunications Products (aka JDS Uniphase) from 1995-2002 where he mainly focused on process improvements and yield of lithium niobate modulators.  Since 2002, he is employed as a Research Scientist by Cree, initially working in the blue laser group which later merged with LEDs.  There he has focused on all aspects of LED packaging from concept through manufacture.  He was the LED packaging R&D group manager for a time, but currently is back to what he enjoys most an individual contributor driving product through all stages of the R&D process.  Chris is inventor on over 100 issued patents, several of which are employed in Cree’s LED product offering.